Tuesday, September 29, 2009

An Introduction of Sorts

Hello! How are you? I'm feeling gorgeous. Anyways, here's the situation: I'm writing this blog about my experiences volunteering at a nursing home. The only problem is, the home's administrators have to approve my request to blog about it, and I haven't heard back from them yet, so here we are.

I will say that I volunteered today nonetheless, and that it was everything I hoped it'd be. Sorry that I can't say more at the mo'. The runup to this project has been hectic, though. I had to get a strep test recently; I was worried I wouldn't be able to volunteer for a week or more because of it. Luckily, though, it was only a sore throat, and it went away before I had to go in.

So. Why would I choose to volunteer at a nursing home, of all places? you may ask. Well, that's a good question.

I've always been fascinated by the marginalized--particularly people whose voices often aren't heard, who may even be accustomed to having others speak for them. As I mentioned in my "About Me," my last blog was about volunteering in a psychiatric hospital. Working there I realized just how much ignorance there is about mental illness. How I saw it, the people there were like how Alan Ball described his vampires on the HBO drama "True Blood": people who happen to be vampires. They're people, who just happen to be mentally ill--meaning there's not much difference between "them" and "us," mostly just difference we imagine. But I digress.

Volunteering at a nursing home, the strongest personal hurdle I will have to overcome is an aversion toward mortality in general: being relatively young and sheltered, I haven't witnessed, much less contemplated, sickness, aging and death. I hope to understand these phenomena as the residents do, thereby growing stronger as an individual. Then perhaps I'll feel as though I'm more than a volunteer--that I belong.


  1. aaron,
    this blog sounds wonderful. really, i'm totes jeal i didn't think of it. and i'm glad you're feeling gorgeous because you are. i have spent a lot of time in nursing homes in my life and i hate them. they creep me out and make me so sad. hopefully you can change my feelings. can't wait to read more, for real. <3

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